Five Tricks for Your Ford SecuriCode Keypad

Those buttons can do a lot more than just unlock your car doors.

Sami Haj-Assaad | 
Aug 18, 2023 | 3 min read

 Ford vintage keyless entry pin pad above the door handle on a blue carFord

It might seem like just a keypad, but the Ford SecuriCode system is capable of tricks that can make life with your vehicle that much easier.

The SecuriCode Keyless Entry Keypad is a five-button keypad found on the driver's side door of many Ford vehicles. Each SecuriCode-equipped vehicle is programmed with a unique five-digit code and can also be programmed with up to five personal codes. These codes are primarily used to access the vehicle, but they can also be combined with other buttons to perform some handy actions.

Many new Ford models can be had with SecuriCode, including the 2023 F-150 and 2023 Explorer.

Using Ford SecuriCode To Unlock the Doors

The most obvious use for SecuriCode is to unlock your doors. Just as you can unlock your phone with a PIN, you can unlock your car doors with your code. This is especially helpful if you need to grab something out of the car when you've left your keys in the house or with someone else.

To unlock the driver's door, just enter the five-digit factory code or a personal code. The interior lights will illuminate and the door will unlock.

If you want to unlock all doors at once, enter the five-digit factory code or a personal code, then press the 3•4 button within five seconds.

Locking the Doors With Ford SecuriCode 

SecuriCode is also handy when your keys are deep in your pocket or a bag and you need to lock your vehicle. To lock the doors, press and hold the 7•8 and 9•0 buttons at the same time. This feature works only when the driver's door is closed.

Release the Trunk

Need to grab something from your trunk or let someone else access the compartment when your keys aren't handy? That can be done with a code as well. To open the trunk, enter the five-digit factory code or a personal code, then press the 5•6 button.

Temporarily Block Autolock

Autolock is a feature that automatically locks the car if you press the unlock key but don't open any doors. This is a security feature meant to ensure the car doesn't stay unlocked if you've mistakenly hit the unlock button on the key fob or have to step away from the vehicle after unlocking it.

Those who need extra time getting in or loading the vehicle might want to disable this feature temporarily. To do so, enter the five-digit code or a personal code and then hold the 7•8 button. While holding the 7•8 button, press the 3•4 button and release the 7•8 button.

Create Personalized SecuriCode PINs

If you don't want to use the factory code or if you find it difficult to remember, consider creating a personal code. For cars that support memory features, the first three personal codes can be linked to those memory settings, including seat and mirror positions.

To program a personalized code, enter the five-digit factory code, then press 1•2 on the keypad. Enter your personal five-digit code. You must enter the numbers within five seconds of each other. Then press the 1•2 button on the keypad to save this code as personal code 1. The doors will lock and unlock to confirm that you have successfully programmed a personal entry code.

You can program up to five personal codes. To save a new code as personal code 2, follow the same procedure using the 3•4 button. Additional codes can be saved using the remaining number buttons.

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Sami Haj-Assaad

Sami Haj-Assaad is an award-winning automotive journalist who has contributed to several automotive, electric vehicle, luxury lifestyle, and technology publications. His work isn't just limited to the written word, as he's also hosted YouTube videos and podcasts. Having grown up in the '90s, he has a strong sense of attachment to that era's style, though he also loves to geek out about the modern, futuristic tech and powertrains rolling out today.

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